It is extremely important to accurately report and define damages at a property. Proper photo documentation of all damages found at a property is required. If there are no damages, then media indicating the property condition are required. Photo documentation of the property condition is necessary in case damages are reported at a later date.
The following information should be considered when reporting damage at a property.
Vandalism: Damages will be evident in the media, many broken windows, graffiti, neighbor reports, etc. One (1) broken window is not considered vandalism.
Fire: Fire damage to interior or exterior of the property is considered fire damage. An outside grill that is burnt is not considered fire damage.
Roof: The $400 Roof Allowable The preservation price ceiling for work completed per the investor guidelines or client parameter. should cover the cost to tarp all properties.
Structural: Crumbling foundations, caved in and cracking walls. Holes in walls are not structural; they should be reported as Mortgagor The borrower. Neglect.
The only damage that can be repaired without bid A cost amount for work that cannot be completed for the allowable. approval is roof damage. When a Roof Allowable is available, tarping and/or Roof repairs should be completed within the allowable amount without bid approval. Your work order will advise of a Roof Allowable. |
Enter Damages Information
The General Damages screen allows a vendor to report damages to the property. It allows a vendor to submit an eyeball estimate A “guesstimated” cost amount for damages being reported at a property., submit media indicating the damage, and submit a bid to repair if necessary.
Damages – Work Completed
Ensure you are in the Damages – Work Completed section of the page.
Click the drop down box next to {Add new task Work that has been completed on a particular order.}
Header A section break used within the SafeView - Preserve program. bar will be created which will allow you to enter details about the work completed.
Damages – Estimates
Ensure you are in the Damages – Estimate section of the page.
To add an estimate, choose a location from the {Add new estimate} box. All locations can be chosen one at a time.
As you select locations a header bar will be created which will allow you to enter details about the damages. Once the details are entered you can click on the arrow to collapse the detail section.
Add any supporting media for your bid by clicking and dragging the media into the corresponding media label A grey box within an update where media can be dragged and dropped..
If you are reporting a damage that requires a bid (mold, roof) you will be required to enter that bid when you report the damage. |
Related Topics
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