SafeView - Preserve FAQ

The purpose of this Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) document is to serve you as your first resource and self help for answering the most asked questions about the Safeguard SafeView - Preserve. If your question is related to Safeguard Properties business rules or client/investor guidelines, then please contact your Regional Coordinator for assistance.


Click on a question below to read the answer.


  1. What are the minimum system and program requirements to access and use the SafeView - Preserve?

  2. I cannot access the web site.

  3. The main Safeguard Properties web site is down.

  4. How do I bookmark (Add a favorite) a web site?

  5. I logged in but all I get is a blank screen.

  6. The web site is running slow. What is causing this?

  7. Can I submit photos from an external source like an external hard drive or CD ROM/ Network drive?

  8. My photos take forever to upload.

  9. Can I adjust photo size after I have copied them to my hard drive?

  10. I need to change my password or update my email address? Who do I contact?

  11. I have work orders that are missing from my open page.

  12. How do I place second bids on the web?

  13. I am receiving an error message when trying to update a Work Per Bid order.

  14. I keep getting kicked off the web site.

  15. I am getting requests for additional information on orders that are no longer on my open order page. How do I submit the additional information?

  16. How long does it take for SPI to get my update?

  17. How do I print my invoices?

  18. I completed a job, but now it's canceled and the work order no longer appears. How do I update what I have done?

  19. There are work orders from last year on my open report. Am I supposed to do something with them?

  20. There are work orders under my login that should be under one of my other codes. What do I do?

  21. Can I send zip, executables, or PDF files?

  22. Can I attach and send a word document?

  23. Can I use a Mac computer?

  24. How do I remove (labeled) photos from an order?

  25. I can't log into the SafeView - Preserve. The screen says, "You have been logged on" but I cannot see my order list. What do I need to do?

  26. Do I need Microsoft Word to submit 2nd bids (that include my signature) via the SafeView - Preserve?

  27. Do I need to go back out to the property and retake additional photos if I cannot provide all of the required photos at this time?

  28. How do I submit additional photos on an order? Will I need to redo/resubmit the entire update when all I wanted to do was submit additional photos?

  29. What media can I reuse and how do I do that?

  30. How do I find my order?

  31. How do I access information I previously submitted on the SafeView - Preserve? (Updates and Invoices)

  32. How do I create my own labels for media?

  33. Why does SafeView - Preserve say that I uploaded duplicate media?

  34. Why completed orders still display on my Open List?

  35. I completed an order in the SafeView - Preserve and now I need to submit additional photos on the SafeView - Preserve. Do I need to complete the update again (this time on the SafeView - Preserve) in order to submit these photos?


  1. What are the minimum system and program requirements to access and use the SafeView - Preserve?

  2.   I cannot access the web site.

  3. The main Safeguard Properties web site is down.

  4. How do I bookmark (Add a favorite) a web site?

  5. I logged in but all I get is a blank screen.

  6. The web site is running slow. What is causing this?

  7. Can I submit photos from an external source like an external hard drive or CD ROM/ Network drive?

  8. My photos take forever to upload.

  9. Can I adjust photo size after I have copied them to my hard drive?

  10. I need to change my password or update my email address? Who do I contact?

  11. I have work orders that are missing from my open page.

  12. How do I place second bids on the web?

  13. I am receiving an error message when trying to update a Work Per Bid order.

  14. I keep getting kicked off the web site.

  15. I am getting requests for additional information on orders that are no longer on my open order page. How do I submit the additional information?

  16. How long does it take for SPI to get my update?

  17. How do I print my invoices?

  18. I completed a job, but now it's canceled and the work order no longer appears. How do I update what I have done?

  19. There are work orders from last year on my open report. Am I supposed to do something with them?

  20. There are work orders under my login that should be under one of my other codes. What do I do?

  21. Can I send zip, executables, or PDF files?

  22. Can I attach and send a word document?

  23. Can I use a Mac computer?

  24. How do I remove (labeled) photos from an order?

  25. I can't log into SafeView - Preserve. The screen says, "You have been logged on" but I cannot see my order list. What do I need to do?

  26. Do I need Microsoft Word to submit 2nd bids (that include my signature) via SafeView - Preserve?

  27. Do I need to go back out to the property and retake additional photos if I cannot provide all of the required photos at this time?

  28. How do I submit additional photos on an order? Will I need to redo/resubmit the entire update when all I wanted to do was submit additional photos?

  29. What media can I reuse and how do I do that?

  30. How do I find my order?

  31. How do I access information I previously submitted on SafeView - Preserve? (Updates and Invoices)

  32. How do I create my own labels for media?

  33. Why does SafeView - Preserve say that I uploaded duplicate media?

  34. Why completed orders still display on my Open List?

  35. I completed an order in SafeView - Preserve and now I need to submit additional photos on SafeView - Preserve. Do I need to complete the update again (this time on SafeView - Preserve) in order to submit these photos?


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